Thanks for visiting The Wax Museum!

Our mission statement is to not just up the quantity, but the quality of your vinyl collection, and the best way to do that is through music discovery.

Looking for vinyl deals? Vinyl on Sale is where it’s at! Deals, reissues, and pre-orders tweeted out daily.

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Paid subs are entered into our monthly autographed signed vinyl giveaway.

When you sign up now, you will receive a PDF and e-book copy of The Vinyl Collector’s Guide of the Best Records of 2023!

Artist Credit

I want to shout out Arielle Katarina, who created The Wax Museum art like our logo at the bottom of this page and the turntable booth at the top of this page. Give her a follow on Instagram, check out her goods on Etsy, and here’s her inquiries link if you have a project in mind!

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Wax Museum is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to As an Amazon Associate, Wax Museum may earn money from qualifying purchases made by users that were directed to via one of our affiliate links at no cost to you. These affiliate links are only visible on web properties. Amazon Associates forbids sending affiliate links over email. As such, when Wax Museum publishes a new post on Substack, the post's webpage may have affiliate links to Amazon, but Substack converts these links to non-affiliate Amazon links when sending posts over email.

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Vinyl-centric spotlight on new music and culture.


Jared is the curator of The Wax Museum and creator of, the Internet's #1 vinyl resource.